
Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Beasiswa Djarum Plus - Open registration

Assalamualaykum :)

Hai! I'm going to share about my chance as Beswan Djarum 30.
Did u ever heard abt BeswanDjarum before?
for those of you who dont know it yet, i ll tell you briefly. BeswanDjarum is calls for us who got scholarship from Djarum Foundation. Djarum Foundation have some of branches, and one of them is Beasiswa Djarum Plus. 

I feel grateful for that, being a Beswan not only got allowance but also the soft skill.
and... The most important one being a beswan is u have a chance to get family from all over Indonesia. is it interesting, rite?
Djarum Beasiswa Plus is offering the scholarship for 1 year tenure. It was established since 1984, means if u are accepted as a Beswan this year (1984- 2015 ), you will become ......

Beswan Djarum 31.

Djarum Foundation open the registration until May 31, 2015. note that!
How to Register?
Follow these Steps below!
Online Registration.
 regist here -----> 

Make the Files complete!
and send them to Djarum Office.
further information will be informed to your email.
make sure that you write your email account correctly
Will be processed by Djarum Foundation.
 just waitin for  the announcement.  

Congrats, you pass the  first step!
it will be informed by email or message.
prepare your self  to the next step.

There are several steps :
Psychotest, FGD & Presentation, Interview

Tadaaa!  Welcome BeswanDjarum 31 :)
Yap! those are the way to be Beswan Djarum 31.


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