
Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Seribu Wajah Ayah by Azhar Nurun Ala

Judul Buku      : Seribu Wajah Ayah
Pengarang        : Azhar Nurun Ala
Penerbit           : Azharologia 
Tahun terbit     : 2014
Ukuran buku    : Portrait 19cm  x 12,5cm x 1,3 cm.
Tebal               : 185 halaman


       Buku Seribu Wajah Ayah (SWA) menceritakan seorang tokoh 'kamu' yang menjalani keseharian dengan seorang ayahnya. Yaap hanya seorang, bukan dua orang. Mungkin dua jiwa di dalam satu fisik yang sama. Dalam buku SWA ini, menceritakan bagaimana kesabaran, ketangguhan, kekuatan, dan kehebatan seorang ayah yang merawat 'kamu' seorang diri. 
           Dalam Novel SWA ini juga menceritakan tokoh 'kamu' yang selalu yakin bahwa sebenarnya ibunya tidak mati, ia tidak ragu sedikitpun bahwa ruh ibunya kini menyatu dalam tubuh ayahnya yang tidak hanya memiliki sifat tegas, namun juga mempunyai sifat keibuan. Sebab ia terlalu mencintai ayahnya. Tokoh 'kamu' disini juga selalu yakin bahwa khusus baginya, surga juga ada di telapak kaki ayahnya. 
           Dalam SWA menceritakan penyesalan tokoh 'kamu' yang semakin tumbuh dewasa, namun lupa bahwa ayahnya pun juga semakin tua. Kini ayahnya telah  pergi, dalam kesendirian. Menyusul ibu yang sudah pergi duluan duapuluh tahun lalu ketika usiamu baru hitungan detik. Kamu, yang barangkali menjadi satu-satunya obat bagi kesedihan ayahmu atas kepergian orang yang teramat dicintainya waktu itu, ternyata tak hadir menemani saat-saat terakhirnya.
Unsur Intrinsik Novel
  1. Tema          : Kekeluargaan. Kisah seorang Anak dan Ayahnya yang menjalani hidup berdua.
  2. Latar tempat  : Rumah tokoh, sekolah, lingkungan perantauan tokoh
  3. Waktu         : Pagi hingga malam
  4. Suasana        : Mengharukan, menyedihkan, menyesal.
  5. Alur           : Novel ini menggunakan alur maju mundur artinya dalam cerita terjadi flashback ke masa lalu dan kejadian sekarang.
  6. Gaya Bahasa  : Menggunakan bahasa literal, bahasa dalam arti sebenarnya. Ada beberapa menggunakan gaya bahasa (majas).
7. Amanat              : 
  • Apapun yang ada di alam raya ini, semua berasal dari 'sesuatu' yang Maha Kekal. Maka kelahiran dan kematian manusia sejatinya hanyalah permainan waktu. Gunakanlah waktu sebaik-baiknya.  Jangan menyesal dengan kata 'seandainya'-- padahal ia sama sekali tdk membantumu memutar waktu untuk kembali ke masa lalu. Selalu ada hal lain yang lebih bijak dari mengenang : membuat cerita baru yang lebih indah.
  • 'Tak selalu yang kita yakini berani kita jalani'. Berani atau tidak berani, tentu saja semata-mata tentang pilihan. Boleh saja kita merasa tidak mampu, tapi kita tetap punya kesempatan untuk berani. 
  • Selalu ingat, saat kita tumbuh dewasa ada dua orang yang juga tumbuh menua.             
(Nurun Ala, Azhar. 2014)
epilog : 
Kelebihan Novel
Dalam novel ini, terdapat kata-kata yang membuat kita merenung untuk semangat menjalani kehidupan. Ditambah lagi pengaturan bahasa kalimat yang cantik dan mudah dimengerti. Makna kalimat yang bisa menjadi 'guru' namun jauh dari kata menggurui. 
Kekurangan Novel
alur cerita flashback dan alur maju yang membuat sedikit bingung.

Rate     ★ ☆-  4/5

  Seribu Wajah Ayah adalah novel karya Azhar Nurun Ala, salah satu penulis favorit saya. Ini merupakan buku ketiga nya setelah yang pertama "Jatuh' dan kedua "Tuhan Maha Romantis". Dalam novel ini Azhar juga mengajak pembaca 'turut serta' di dalam bukunya, 'turut serta' dalam arti sebenarnya, ia menyematkan foto #momenbarengayah para pembaca di dalamnya. menurut saya ini marketing yang interaktif dan menarik.
  Selain tertarik karena sisi 'penyematan foto', saya pribadi tertarik karena saya telah membaca epilog buku SWA ini sebelumnya. Saya selalu tertarik dengan buku yang bertemakan keluarga, persahabatan, dan non-fiksi atau cerita yang telah terjadi sebenarnya di dunia nyata.

pict source :

Seribu Wajah Ayah, 
Karena cintanya adalah pancaran cahaya- tak 'kan berhenti hanya karena kamu menutup jendela.
Kau adalah matahari, yang panasnya tak membakar. Menghangatkan
Kau bersinar sendiri, bawa aku menuju terang.
Kini, matahari telah terbenam
Tak ada lagi cahaya
Tak ada lagi yang menghangatkan. 
(Nurun Ala, Azhar. 2014. Seribu Wajah Ayah. Depok. Azharologia)

Bukan harta, bukan pujian yang mereka butuhkan. 
Tapi suatu yang kekal terhubung-Doa. 
Ibu, Ibu, Ibu...
Yaa.. selalu ingat ada kata Papa, Abah, Ayah, Bapak, Abi, Aba, Papi -atau panggilan lain kita menyebutnya- setelahnya.
Dua orang yang ridho nya adalah Ridho Nya.
Dua orang yang tanpa diminta, pasti selalu mengirimkan doanya.
Dua orang yang selalu siap untuk menerima doa dari kita, anaknya. 
sudah sampai kah doa-doa kita utk mereka ?
sudah cukup memenuhi kriteria kah kita utk bisa terkirim doanya? 
pertanyaan yang lebih pantas 
sudahkah kita mendoakannya?


Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Hai Ka Ditha :)


      I actually made ​​this blog as to improving my writing skill, thats why i mostly used in English and just read for myself, but now i'm writing specially for you Ka Ditha  hihiyyy..
is it okay when i'm using english? haha biar international like Annur said~
No... its because i would like to everyone know if I have a good sister like ka Ditha.
because surely nowadays people hv been able in English.

HAI !! I'm pretty sure that u are reading my blog post now kak.
But if you'r guys not her, i will make you know her now. She is the prettiest one.

i know you still permitted by committee to connect to the internet so that why i send this to you :)
During this recent year i can meet you everyday in our lovely mentoring room in 515, but may last saturday is our separation.. no its only temporary separation.

GoodLuck as 'Pengajar Muda IX'!! i always keep praying for you constantly, kak.

For you who dont know abt 'Pengajar Muda' yet, i will explain you briefly. 'Pengajar Muda' as PM for its abreviation is Indonesia Mengajar Foundation program that sending some of people to the subordinate, corner or remote~ yaa.. kind of things place are in Indonesia for 1 year. All of them carry out the mandate to teach student in that place. is that cool, right?
it means you will back in the end 2015 kak.
and... i keep ur promise that u want to come to my graduation in 2016. i'm waiting kak!

Thankyou for your support, to achieve one of my target in this year. i broke my own record to Khatam Qur'an for 2,5 months!!! U support me a LOT! so i can make a checklist sign in my "2014 to do list-note " in my room.
Thanks for the veil and for the Mushaf. U said, that Qur'an is your almost 11 year "friend" but you give it to me. i will read it everyday InsyaAllah.. also thanks for the letter inside, love it <3!

Aaahh why you so so kind for me kak and why we must be separated? may its too hype, but i dont know why when i feel comfort with someone i will keep it hard, and you are in, Ka Ditha.
Not only me missing you now, but other people told same as i felt. you're too kind!!

Goodluck for the 2 months trainning camp and 1 year dedicate to Indonesia!!!
Greetings for your new students and teachers there! also ur hostfam.
dan..sesuai obrolan kita waktu itu, aku siap untuk jd perantara surat semangat Jakarta-pedalaman!!

Like i sang a song in last BSLC Gath its actually for you kak, "you can count on me like 1,2,3 and i 'll be there. cause thats whats friend are supposed to do.. we 'll never let go, never say goodbye~ :)

Senin, 01 September 2014

Competition while Holiday- Bandung


Tonite i want to tell my last short trip to Bandung, Jawa Barat.
I went to Bandung for 4 Days 3 night (28-31 August) with my lovely emesh team.
We went to Bandung for competition while holiday.. no! may the opposite is more precise.. holiday while competition. :))
The competition was held by HIMA Padjajaran University, named Microeconomic Competition (MC).
MC started from 29-31 August but we earlier came on 28August by recommended from Pak Robert (Head of Management Department).
We was driven by Binus car (Thx for Binus as accommodate our holiday competition :' )

I actually dont know about this competition, but Maria as coordinator from HIMME (Management Organization) Binus invite me to joined MC. She is also as my friend of friend in TFI (Teach for Indonesia)....ah its so complicated to explain it, cramped world!!
I thought the competiton not in a team but it was. Maria found 2 people for my team. 
They are Rizaldy and Richard.They are from Information system and management department.  
Binus sent 2 team for MC. The other team are Herlina, Fedrian and Bagas.
We went to Bandung at 10.00 am from Syahdan campus
Here are my lovely Emesh Team...
Ready to go!
This competition is National scale. There are Many university participate for this competition.
They are Padjajaran Univ, Diponegoro Univ, Gajah mada Univ, Bakrie Univ, President Univ, Atmajaya Univ, Soedirman Univ, Prasetya Mulya Univ, Bakrie University and the far-est one is Sriwijaya University from Palembang.
Really appreciated for the committees which have arranged this competition could be that coool! 
Binus 1 (Bagas, Peped, Herlina) - Binus 2 (Me, Ijal, Icat)
Day H-1.
We almost spent our whole time to culinary around Hotel and a bit prepared for tomorrow's test hahaha..
We was helped by Maria as coordinator from HIMME Binus Univ and Vira from HIMA Padjajaran Univ. Really Big thanks for you both . Here they are....
Vira - Maria
Day 1.
Our Schedule are opening ceremony , company visit to Indonesian Aerospace Inc (P.T Dirgantara Indonesia), and individual test.

N250 plane since 1995 but not operated anymore
They tired after roaming aircraft factory

so do i, very tireddd

It's my first time to seen the plane manufacturer directly. It was cooooolll!! (sorry to hype ;p) but we didn't permitted to captured the production process.

Exam Time!
The individual test was really unpredictable, not same as we learnt before. its about like the super detail of micro subject. it was SO DIFFICULT!

me as in the second row in the grey veil

Day 2.
Our schedule are Qualification round 1, qualification round 2, and qualification round 3, and Quarter final round.
in qualification round 1 we competed with Pandjajaran univ and Diponegoro univ.
in qualification round 2 we competed with Indonesia University and Sriwijaya univ.
in qualification round 3 we competed with Atmajaya University and Diponegoro University.
Qualification round 3

from 27 team that participated was selected TOP 18
Alhamdulillah .. My team is one of them. So we continue to Quarter Final as we competed with Indonesia Univ and President Univ.
Quarter final round 

Alhamdulillah.. From top 18 we up to top 5 Major in this competition after beat Indonesian University and President Univ in Quarter Final round.

Day 3.
Semifinal and Final round.

All the judges.
Herlina, Peped, Bagas and Maria support us!

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Mentor The Explorer goes to Harapan Island!!

Assalamualaikum :)
I really glad when i could spend my time back to writing this blog, it means that i flee from my taskssss haha..
and now i want to tell about my last trip with Mentor Family in college to Harapan Island 17-18 May 2014. before i continue..

Why do i called them Mentor?

I want explain a bit about what is mentor? for long explanation short, in my college there is community called BSLC (Binus Student Learning Community) but, waitt... we're not just learning but we make something different to make learning more fun as our tagline " learning is Fun".
Mentor is the one like teacher, they sharing their knowledge, experience, story to mantee (the one who was teached by mentor) and exactly help mantee in their academic stuffs. We are not only from kemanggisan campus but also from Alam Sutera Campus. Based on the mentor activity that i told before, did we deserve to be called as good guys? :P 
I do really happy can be a part of them! yes..BSLC

backk.. As people said : what we sow, that is what we reap. Alhamdulillah. May their utterance went to us. To appreciated our work during this semester, BSLC gave us THIS TRIP. 
ilustration map for our trip during on the ship. 3 hours!!
We gathered on campus and went to the Muara angke port in the morning, and took ships went to harapan island. It's about 3 hour long. Its quite long to arrived there, because Harapan Island is too far from the port, perhaps because too long on the sea,and causes a lot of pain, esp nausea. 
we're on the deck
Tadaaaa..... finally we arrived in Harapan Island!
Harapan Island port
We arrived in Harapan Island at 12.00, we took a lunch and took a rest for a minute and continued to... snorkling time! we did snorkling for almost 5 hours, during 12.30-18.00. We did it in 2 spot water.

first spot is quite deep, but we had been offered by the beautifully coral reef, fish,etc - view under the sea .

we were standing on the coral reef
For the second spot is shallow water. This spot as beautiful as the first spot. We no need to use life vest in the water. We almost spent our snorkling-time here (in the mid-noon) and took many photo. 
feel free to pose in the middle :)) spirit team!
i was greeted by this cutie fishes. That glasses exactly ruin my face hahah :))
My face burnt :") sad but happy!! After snorkling-time we came back to the lodge, and in the night we did sharing experience during be a mentor. 

... become a mentor, there are many lessons that I can took. 
    experience as a teacher, teach others. 
    learn to be more patience.
    improving  communication to other.
    how to be assertive people.
    learn to always try and practice.
    experience of leading others.
    One of the lessons that I took from my Mantee was: there is no age limit for learning.
    The most important is the experience and opportunity for helping others.
Day 2
After breakfast, we went to another island (i forget the name) which has sands in its edge. its about 30 minutes far from Harapan Island. The committee have made games already there. for me the "Tarik Tambang" is the funiest one! 

despite i defeated in :"
Funny team

Mentor the Explorer!

                                                  And i got this cutie souvenir from BSLC 

Thankyou BSLC for your "Briefly but excited " Trip ,
and also for the Committee who have arranged this trip gonna be that FUN! 
(Ka Ira, Annurs, Okta, Mario and John)

note : 

i took All photo from many sources.
thx u Ka Ira and other for the photos :)

Do not ever hesitate to help others


Minggu, 06 April 2014

HappyBirthday Dear Inka, Alex, and Agus

Hei Inka,Alex, Agus.

i know u opened my blogpage already, So....
Happy birthday yaa (i know its toooo late) hahahaa
hope you all stay healty and keep our friendship long last!!!
confused about what will i give for your guys gift, but i really want to give you something. so i decided to make this video, *maapin kalo jelek wakaka

hope you like it guyss :)

Load of joy &happiness
Thanks :)

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Make Your Dreams Come True with a Dream Tree

Good Evening!

Today I really miss my pra-univ friend,
So... i opened the photo during pra-university, and from many photo that i open back i founded out one of them .. and this photo told me back to remember about our essay that we made, and have to explained with something that we can explore from our essay. so we decided to made the 'our miniatur idea'. 
Add caption
     If u don't know about 'pra-univ' which i told from the first. So, im going to explain about 'pra-univ' first before i am continuing my post. 
    Pra-univ is the class that my university make in order to improve our english skill especially our toefl, but its was started before our 'real' class. it was mandatory and was going on our holiday (but not really seized all holiday) :" .One class consist of many major from many department also. at least before we started 'real' class in university we have make friends with other friends already.
Now i want to share about me and my classmate in pre-university essay, begin with its title...

Make Your Dreams Come True with a Dream Tree

         On our project, we picked up the theme of the future. We divide our future into two sides which will go to a destination point. The first of us to explain about the future of our environment, and on the second side we explain about the future in our ideals. As we said before, the two sides will lead to a destination points, the goal is to reach our goals and our success with the support of the environment, natural environment that is balanced and sustainable. In this life, we must have a certain purpose in life. So that we know where will go. If someone doesn’t have a purpose in life, it is certain that his life is undirected.
        In the 21st centuries, our life will be more complicated than before with the human population, now at 6 billion people worldwide meeting the basic needs of all these people food ,energy, clothing, and etc, because  the human needs was increasing , so to fulfill that, many people don’t care about the life, they can do as they like to fulfill it, and also increasing human demands on the earth's natural resources. With the diversity of human needs, such as food, energy, clothing, houses, that are was inseparable from the name of the tree. Our food comes from trees, fabrics for our clothing as well as from cotton fiber plants, waste of energy transport, is also associated with
tree, namely pollution (CO2) vehicles will be absorbed by plants.

                 For your information, the ice in Iceland was melted slowly but sure, and that could cause the water level will rise than before and the effect would be enormous for human life. We must do something to save our life and our future, we can’t just sit and don’t care about that, because it must come in a few years if we don’t anticipate it. To anticipate we should plant lots of trees. Because global warming is caused by the effects of the sun's heat that can’t be reflected out of the earth, due to the number of binding of CO2 heat too much, so it gets hot inside the earth and the impact on polar ice melt. Thus the presence of trees, CO2 can be reduced so that the heat of the sun on the earth can be reflected back out of the earth, and the Earth will survive global warming, the sinking of the earth by the melting of polar ice.

          On our project, we begin the life of the plant environment by creating a forest that was burned, had been felled by man, for industrial facilities, forests are removed to a new land that will be used as factories, mines, etc. We illustrate this because it's been a lot of the forest who had such a bad thing. Therefore, before all the forest species we should be concerned with such matters. This matter can be done is to restore degraded forests by planting trees. If one person one tree, then there will be thousands of millions of trees planted since the human population on earth more than thousands of millions and even billions.
          At the second stage, we illustrate with small trees. Our point is that it is the beginning of human life should be planted that will restore damaged forests. Although it certainly will take a long time, we believe that slowly but surely. Due to a small tree, has been produced o2 and can absorb co2, although the strength is not as strong as the big tree.
          At the third stage, we illustrate with a tree that has grown by age that is a continuation of the early life stages of the second tree. We illustrate the significance of this is that although long-time need to be a big tree, but this stage and certainly very useful and influential for the preservation of the human environment. Although the results can’t be taken for human purposes, but was able to properly absorb pollution. If pollution can be absorbed, then the earth will be spared from the threat of global warming.
In the final stage on the side of a green environment, we put a very large tree with a ratio far enough, it is intended that from the beginning a small tree that has become a mature tree that can save the earth. The trees at the age such as this can be used to meet human needs and tackling global warming. Imagine if the billions of people that one person to plant a tree, then there will be billions of such large trees as well. Which of these trees were treated and discharged circuitry if a good rule, then the sustainability of our earth will continue without end with the earth submerged by the melting of polar ice due to global warming due to the absence of CO2 absorption by many tree’s.
         On the other hand in our project, we start with a sheet of white paper. White paper has make symbolize a life that has not been planned with the ideals.

         The next stage, we make a ladder and put the paper with the ideals of the great tree. The point is we want to realize the ideals of our ideals. Our ideal doesn’t just happen without any effort of our own. Ladder to symbolize a business, getting to the top of the more severe and over must pass through many ways. With a good effort and without despair, slowly but surely these ideals will be achieved and come true. In the future we will become what we want to be and followed with the natural environment sustainably. Because what does it mean if we get what we want but with a damaged environment.

       i written these ideals because….

-I believe that the writing is one way to make dreams come true to get out of that was just a dream to be in the real worldalthough we just writing it on a paper. 

-I believe that writing begins with our ideals, sooner or later will become a reality.
