
Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Festival Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (5-6 Oktober)

Good Night!

     Hey, Now I want to posting about the event i like the most in this year, which is happened on October 6th. Named, Festival Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (FGIM). FGIM was held in Ecovention Hall, Ancol. and this is non-government event that made by Yayasan Indonesia Mengajar.

      For you who don't know FGIM or Indonesia Mengajar yet, i'll explain for you. FGIM is the event that purposely made to invite people for directly help to worked to prepare items which to be donated to the rural areas in Indonesia.
        I really appreciated for the committee who created and designed the event could be that AWESOME!! *applause!!*
       By FGIM's slogan "Kerja Bakti" or it means 'community service'. when we went to FGIM its not like usual event where we GOT something (like music show in concert), but in FGIM its about we GIVE something for people, not about give money but we give our energy and time to directly contribute in FGIM. Despite we have to pay for the tickets (Rp45000) ,FGIM was attended by thousands of people who wanted to joined 'kerja bakti' as well. The result of voluntary work will be donated from Aceh province to Merauke in Papua. it means that there are still a lot of people who cares with education in Indonesia. 
       For the Indonesia Mengajar itself, its the movement teaches by graduates. They teach children, elementary school in rural area all over Indonesia. Yayasan Indonesia Mengajar was founded by Mr. Anies Baswedan. He really cares about education. I think,  with 'the breakthrough' of this movement, extremely helpful education in Indonesia, especially for the place out of big city.

pose with Mr. Anies Baswedan

      Back to the story. i know FGIM event from the social media esp twitter, and i had trying to find out about that. i checked FGIM date and my college schedule ,there is no overlapping between both of them, so i decided to join, but the problem is the place. Its quite far from my house, FGIM located in Ancol which is in north jakarta, and my house in the south jakarta. So i invited my best fellow neighbors to join the FGIM, and they were making matched their timetable and agree to join. so we decided to join on 6th.
On sunday morning 6th Oct, we leave at 9 am and reached there at 11 am by Transjakarta bus. its my first time went to ancol by transjkt, luckily my two bestfriends want to accompanied me. They are Mia and mba Uti . This is them!
Mia in green, mba Uti in yellow , and im the red one!
In the main door we were greeted by a cutie dinosaur :p

There are 10 'working avenue', but i just joined 7 working avenue:
1. "Surat Semangat" its the motivation letter. we write motivation letter to the student and also for the teacher. and so bad so sad i haven't get the reply back, and i'm still waiting for the reply from Fak-Fak,Papua and Majene in west Sulawesi.
writing letter
put into letter box
and...waiting for the replied :"
i made 2 letters, and this is one of them, direction to Fak-Fak, Papua
2. "kepingpedia" . " science puzzle" .it like we made a puzzle, and when the pieces of the puzzle got together, it was going to be 'something knowledge' that will added their knowledge. we got the puzzle knowledge about solar system.
carton cutting process into pieces

3. "kemas-kemas sains" in this pos we make science props (digestive organs of the body, called "Badan si Badun") to be sent to the elementary school in rural area, around indonesia. i forget to take the pict of Badan and Badun, but after we packed that props, we taken pict together. i met new friends in this pos, she is vivi and mba Maya. But i forgot to ask their contact. hope we can meet again someday :)
vivi in the leftmost, Mba Maya rightmost
4. " kotak cakrawala" we was collecting books on pack for. the package of book was consist of story books, atlases, textbooks, etc. Those books will sent to the remote areas, due to difficulty access to get a book, so FGIM committee will send them to that remote areas around Indonesia.
"kotak cakrawala" area
5. " Sains berdendang" when we sang a song about science but the tone was a kids song. as all of you know, song was easier to remember than we have to remember the studies, by incorporating music into the song, students are expected to be easier to remember the lessons.

6. " Melodi Ceria" Nowadays kids song is rarely heard, in the presence of 'melodi ceria' was expected that children can return to sing songs that suit toward their age.

7. "Aula Sekolah" , means "school hall". there we can get acquainted with new friends, we danced together (more correctly exercise :p) . I accidentally alsom met with other campus friends Ka Wita, Ka Nata, Ka Aris, and Ka Agatha.
Ka Nata, Ka Wita, it was captured by Ka Aris
Ka Agatha
- working avenue that i was couldn't follow are:

8. "kartupedia". it like we made the wikipedia information and transform it to be a card. so the elementary student in rural area will get information. 
9. "video profesi" we have to tell about our job, so the student who will watch the video know diverse jobs
10. "teater dongeng" here we have to plays the folklore.

Sooo....what do you think guys? is FGIM quiet different that i told in the first? but it was really amazing!! It feels like we could directly help children that live so faaaar awaay from us, if there is the second FGIM, let's join!!
much better if you read the story of the committe behind the success of this event.

Hopefully  the 2nd FGIM still be held next year, i'm waiting! :)

I am ready to the voluntary work for nation!


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