
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Buka Bersama PKBM Nurani Insani - part 1


Ditemani hujan yang belum reda dari semalam, saya mau menulis tentang bukber semalam.
Minggu lalu saya di ajak Babe (Pendiri Nurani Insani) untuk ikut gabung acara bukber kemarin di Nurani Insani. Ini kali pertama saya bukber di sana. Awalnya saya kira bukber ini acara bukber SMP dan SMA, ternyata acara bukber SD dan TKnya. Saya hanya mengajar SD sesekali saja, jadi saya hanya sedikit kenal beberapa orang saja :( , karena biasanya saya ngajar SMP dan SMA. 

Paginya saya ke kampus dulu untuk jaga expo BSLC dari jam 9 sampe jam 3 sore, setelah selesai evaluasi kira-kira jam 4 saya ashar dulu, lalu langsung ke Nurani Insani dan sampai sana jam setengah 5. Disana saya langsung ketemu Mami (istrinya Babe) dan bantu-bantu siapin es belewah untuk tamu. Karena ini acara SD, untuk menunggu Azan Maghrib guru2 SD mendongeng untuk mereka dan ditutup dengan do'a bersama.

Sekitar 20 menit setelah buka, dateng Kak Cika (Anaknya Babe dan Mami), seneng banget akhirnya ada juga yang diajak ngobrol bareng. Sebenarnya ada beberapa anak SMA yang dateng tapi cowo-cowo nya aja dan cuma 3 orang hanya ada Madlori, Dian, sama Ilham. Akhirnya karna Ka Cika dateng saya lanjut makan ta'jil sama dia, terus lanjut solat maghrib di kelas lain ( karna tempat solat di bawah udah penuh sama tamu), terus lanjut ngobrol2 dan makan sama Ka Cika dan Mami di ruangan atas. Sempet heran awalnya Ka Cika yang kurus dan kelihatan feminin gitu ternyata hanya covernya saja hahaha

Acara bukber selesai sekitar jam setengah 8, dan Saya balik sekitar pukul 8.20. Setelah pamit dengan semua orang di sana saya pulang. Saya diantar Ka Cika sampe stasiun palmerah naik kawasaki nya. dan saya sampe rumah jam 09.00.
sebenarnya saya lebih suka nambahin foto setiap kali saya nge post, berhubung foto-foto bukber kemarin ada di kamera Mami semua da belum dipindah, jadi next time akan saya update post-an ini :)

Saya kurang setuju dengan pernyataan 'tak kenal maka tak sayang' karena yang sudah kenalan saja belum tentu sayang.
Jadi mungkin yang lebih tepat adalah 'belum tahu maka belum sayang', karena dengan sudah tahu seseorang maka tidak akan ada pikiran yang tidak seharusnya diprasangkakan jika sudah mengetahui orang tersebut.



Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

First time touched Master (MASjid TERminal) :)

Good morning!

This time, i would like to tell my pleased yesterday' trip to Masjid terminal (MasTer) in depok. Actually i have no plan to went there, and my prev schedule was just wanted to go to campus briefly to took a test, and went back home immediately because i felt a bit unwell at that day. 

Plans changed when i was waiting for train, i chatted my bestfriend since i was in seniorhigh, Febi (now he is the Zuppa anthropologist ^^) via bbm. While Chatting, Febi invited me to his campus in Depok (initially he didn't asked me seriously, and i havn't thought too seriously). He said that he had no activity yesterday, and his activities that have been scheduled before was canceled because there is something which i dont know. 

Then i considered and make it seriously. why? 
First, it was still at 11:00 am, so i could leave back early. 
Second, i haven't yet to try train trip except palmerah-pd.ranji (campus-house), so i could make a try to another station at this chance.
Third, i make a deal with Febi if he wanted to accompany me to MasTer which i only knew through social media, television, and internet before. So at this chance i could seen directly.

I got Depok station around 13:00, and Febi been waiting for me in front of the station. Then we went straight to MasTer. It turns out MasTer pretty far from Febi's campus, so we have to proceed with public transportation. We touched MasTer around at 13:30. Febi already know some of the people there, because he had several times to MasTer. 

Oiyaa sorry i forgot to tell about MasTer itself. For you who haven't known yet about MasTer, i'll tell you briefly.  MasTer actually just the popular abbreviation called from people around to make a short MASjid TERminal which is the first location that Mr.Nurrohim who was established MasTer in 2000, teach street children in front of Masjid Al-muttaqin in bus station. Nowadays, the formal name of MasTer is PKBM Bina Insan Mandiri. The function of MasTer itself is not too different with PKBM Nurani Insani in Petamburan that i was told before in my previous post, but the differences in MasTer provided the dorm for them who dont have neither parents nor house.

After touched Master, i was acquainted with 2 Febi's friend, they are the alumnus from MasTer. Now they continue their education in UNJ and UNDIP majoring at History. We talked for a while, after that i decided to pray Zuhur. After Zuhur Me and Febi looked around the building there. There are common kitchen, taman baca siswa (kind of library), girl's hostels. After looked around i asked to Maulana (one of the student) to took a picture of us.  
this picture was taken in front of the one of the non permanent building there

I also made a conversation with the teacher while Febi taking picture with his camera in around MasTer. There i became acquainted with Bunda Sri, mba Lianti, Mba Ade, Mba isma. We talked about the current situation og MasTer and also about the learning process in MasTer. When I was chatting, there came hordes of reporters. The reporter was covering the arrival of Mr.Nurohim and the Mayor of Depok. Maybe they want to make a deal about the planning of MasTer eviction which will be held after Eid. 

and... Alhamdulillah I just heard the news from TV that the eviction was not going to be done. I hope this news is not just a rumor, and it will be a reality. SO MASTER WILL CONTINUE TO THRIVE. Aamiin

after from the MasTer, I was ushered Febi to the station, and I returned home. Thx Feb for accompanied me to MasTer :)
Do not wait for happiness to come from someone else, make happiness that comes from ourselves
Happiness will never be ours if merely see the happiness of others, and always compare our lives with others. 
Always Thankful to God for each of our lives no matter what.



Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Be Grateful for what we already have!


         Actually I wanted to write my experience on my blog since last month, eventually i've got now. I wanna share my first "Ngamen" experience. Ngamen means sing on public place, hoping for one gives money. I got this experience from two of my students in Nurani Insani(NI). They're Agus and Aldi..Previously, i just listened about their daily activity, and when i was in NI when they're leving to go ngamen, Mr.Dedi (Chairman of the foundation) ask me what if i wanted to know their activity (join them) or not. I thought that would be fun if i occasionally to followed them for ngamen, beside that i also wanted to know directly their ngamen life on the road. So i said 'yes' for Mr. Dedi asking.
        For you who don't know yet about Nurani Insani (NI) , I'll tell you briefly. Nurani Insani is the foundation which was established since about 2003. Nurani Insani is the PKBM( Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) for underprivileged children who attended school while working. NI  was located in Petamburan III, TanahAbang, Jakarta Pusat.  Aldi and Agus is two of the student from NI. NI was established by Mr. Dedi Rosadi S.E and his wife. I'm volunteering there about 6 months.

        For long story short, i would tell you about "my really ngamen trip". may you guys think that i'm a bit a tacky, but this experience really make me more grateful to Allah S.W.T for what i already have.

         May, 25th 2013 NI been visited by guest (occasionally they shared their life experiences), the guests is mbak Yayu and her two friends. They are from tax office. Mr. Dedi asked me to come as host to greeted the guest, So thats why i've been there. They came to NI was about at 08.00. We chatted while eating snacks that brought by Mba Yayu. I'm really glad when mba Yayu offered for her cousin to be volunteer in Nurani Insani (but till this time i haven't notified yet). Then mba Yayu and friends, and we dispersed about at 12.00. Due to Nurani Insani is located near Tanah abang, Two of my student Aldi and Agus decided to went back their home earlier. The reason is because they want to go 'ngamen'. This is the peak time when people went their lunch, and they hope could got money from people  who had lunch. So, as i told before , Mr. Dedi asked me to joined (followed their activities) them or not. 
           I, Aldi, Agus, Ilham, Ami, and puput went together, but in the middle, we are separating to different direction. Ami, Ilham, and Puput went to their own home. Me, Agus and aldi went to Agus home to took the Guitar. We through the road that I've never ever through before, we down along train rail edge which there is river below! and my student through this extreme (for me) road everyday to touched school.*applause

he is Ilham who was in front of me

 left to right (Ami, Agus, Ilham and Aldi)

Can you imagine when you walk on the edge of train bridge with no grip you can hold and river below?!
That such quivering! This is the first thing which made me more grateful to God during the trip.

              After took guitar, we 'ngamen' in Tanah Abang. Poor me, when i followed them, TanahAbang is a bit flooding :( so i have to face the tarnish and disgusting road =)). During ngamen people was staring at me, probably because i wore clothes which are too neat for did it. yaaa.. thats not the problem for me, may they just wondered to me :p. We ngamen in TanahAbang is about 3 hours.

After ngamen Agus invited me to his house. I bemused when i know his house. I was amazed to agus, because he could always be grateful to the limitations he has.  and this is second thing that makes me even more grateful to God.With their limitation, they always eager to catch their own dream in order to improve their family economic.  I feel nothing, compared to their those who have more spirit to face of the limitations.
for more info about Nurani Insani:

After ngamen,

There's nobody perfect. Each person does have limitations. I think we don't need to cover up, but just need to minimize it and develop the redundance that we have, til we reach the peak of each of us.



Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Finally my last exam in my first year is done!


Kali ini saya menulis blog kembali , sejak terakhir kali, yaitu 2 bulan lalu saya mengepost nya.
Malam ini saya memutuskan mengisi ke-ngangguran saya dengan nulis blog.
Alhamdulillah saya sudah bisa santai, karena td sore adalah ujian terakhir semester genap dan artinya..... saya selesai tahun pertama kuliah saya!Yeay! :)
Sebelum pulang saya 'say goodbye' pada temen-temen sekelas dulu , karena 3 bulan ini kita ga akan ketemu dulu karena liburan semester genap ke ganjil, tapi ada beberapa teman yang sudah pulang duluan. Jadi tadi cuma ke beberapa orang aja dadah-dadahnya. Teman2 saya ada beberapa yg bukan dari Jakarta, jadi liburan ini mereka balik ke asalnya hehe....ada Agus dan Eka yg balik ke Bekasi, Albert dan Ari ke Riau, Pieter ke tanjung Balai Karimun, dan Alex Faris Inka..... yg tetap di jakarta -_- hehehe
 This is Them!
This pict was taken when Alex' bday
Setelah dadah-dadah, seperti biasa saya masih sama Inka dan Faris ga langsung pulang. Kita ke klinik kampus dulu karna faris sakit, dan setelah agak sore dari klinik kita memutuskan makan di warung cici sebelah kampus (Faris biasa sebut). Biasanya kita makan disitu sama Sammy, tp kali ini dia (mungkin) sibuk dan seperti biasa sudah pulang duluan-_-
this is photo both of them!
(this picture was taken when we have waited for labkom exam at semester 1)
Setelah makan dari warung Cici saya pulang dan pamitan sama Inka, Faris.and..Ready enjoy ma holiday!
See all u guys in Second year! :)

Hopefully Me and My Friend through Our college life smoothly and absolutely fun! without any obstacles. Aamin
